Montessori Pedagogical Consultant & Leadership Coach
Katie Ibes, M.Ed.​
​Authentic, Innovative Montessori
I have played many roles in my 16 years in Montessori: elementary guide, teacher trainer, program director, pedagogical director and Montessori consultant.  I have a passion for curriculum development within a Montessori context that is both authentic and innovative: I co-developed and co-taught in the Montessori STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Graduate Certificate program at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, MN, and served as the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math) Program Coordinator for an inclusive Montessori school in Salt Lake City, UT.  Currently I am the pedagogical director for a 1st through 12th grade Montessori charter, Great River School, in St. Paul, MN and Pedagogical Consultant for the Garfield School, a growing Montessori high school in Utah.

Conscious Leadership
Since I began in Montessori I have been on a leadership journey.  First and foremost I am on a leadership journey within myself - an ongoing process where I continue to spiritually transform in relation to myself, my work and of course, in relationship with the children we serve.  I have taken coursework in leadership, leading teams and projects, appreciative inquiry, learning styles, interaction styles and multicultural awareness. Recently I broadened my training by becoming a certified professional leadership coach through iPEC, the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching.  This training integrates best practices of the Montessori guide with many powerful tools for personal transformation and has allowed me to develop a coaching practice with Montessori at its heart.  

Whole Conscious Leadership
Leaders in education - whether Heads of School, Board Chairs, Program Directors or Directors of Training - all want the same thing: to live out our Montessori principles in a way that brings the best of Montessori's vision to our communities. Leaders in Montessori strive to live bring their best selves forward to their work while creating a foundation that inspires each member to live out their cosmic task in the context of our schools and children.  Leading of this quality requires that we cultivate both confidence and humility.  My passion is to help our leaders walk the fine line of leading and facilitating transformation through individual spiritual growth, meaningful work and a shared vision of peace.  

We invite you to join us on this journey...